Guangzhou Pangea International Trade Co.,Ltd.
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GO Kart

Product Intro

                                     Assembled Transformative 26 in1 Electric Go                       

                                                 Karting Scooter Kit  For Kid

This go-kart is designed to fit some of the youngest of riders which will really pump kids up when you take family trips to your favorite trails.

Providing endless adventure, battery and pedal go karts are a great way to encourage outdoor play amongst toddlers and older kids alike, getting their hearts pumping and spurring their imagination on.

Ready to get the kids started out with their first go-kart?


Copyright © 2017 粤ICP备17123656号-2
Guangzhou Pangea International Trade Co.,Ltd.
ADD:No.2,Nanpu Section,Shilian Road,Panyu District,Guangzhou City
CODE: 511400
Sale Service department head:Lei lan